Call Craig on 021994750

There are many factors to consider for building compliance, so hiring a professional to assist you is advised. Instead of risking overlooking something and getting more RFIs (Requests for Information), we help you understand every part of the compliance process so you’re never underprepared again.
We can assist you with the following:
Building Consent Pre-Submission Documentation Report
Code Compliance Certificate
Relocatable Building Condition Report
Practical Advice on Natural Hazards’ Effect on Building Consent Applications
Resource Management, Surveying, and Town Planning
Certificate of Acceptance reports
Notice to Fix
Building WOF
Why Consider Professional Assistance With Compliance for Building Reports
You must fully understand the NZ Building code to piece together all the requirements for your compliance. Here’s how we help you avoid missing anything:
We fully understand the NZ Buildingcode and building regulations, allowing us to scan your work and immediately see what you’re missing. We will then advise accordingly so you can bring the building to compliance.
Our professional service means we’re always a phone call away. We're ready to assist you, whether you’re a new or returning client. Whether buying, selling, or designing a building, we can help you ensure the building in question complies with relevant laws.
We offer various services that range from condition reports to advice on natural hazard compliance and even compliance for large-scale projects. There’s no job too big or small for us.
The next time you need assistance with building compliance, whether as a designer, builder, buyer, or seller, remember The Building Consent Guy.
Building Consent Pre-Submission Documentation Report
I provide a comprehensive quality insurance system as a service for you. The pre-submission construction plan and supporting documentation report check service is designed to help speed up your building consent application through council checking process and reduce the amount of “request for information’s” (RFIs).
Once the report is reviewed by the designer it is up to them to implement the advice given. I can provide possible solutions if requested.
Documentation Report (Priced at $1.95* per square metre x total floor plan area)
Simply register and I will arrange a time with you to process your full set of building consent ready plans, specification and supporting documentation.
Code Compliance Certificate
If you are having issues selling your property due to not having a completed Code Compliance Certificate (CCC) and the banks are requesting it. I can help you to identify and resolve these sometimes-complicated matters so that you can obtain this Certificate (CCC) for the sale to go through.
Site Visit, Ideas and Design Concepts (Price starts from $120)
Book an onsite visit to your home or building site so we can ascertain your project requirements.
Site Visit, Inspection & Comprehensive Reporting (From $130*)
Resister and book an onsite visit to your building & proposed site so that I can ascertain your project requirements.
Relocatable Building Condition Report
I will engage and manage the services of competent engineers and in-house surveyors to undertake invasive and non-invasive inspections where possible. I then compile the evidence into one complete, comprehensive document that states what the materials and the condition of the different building elements are, for example, building structure, exterior claddings, interior floors, ceilings, and wall linings.
Floor plans and exterior elevations are also drafted to show the existing layout. The final part of the report explains what work will need to be undertaken on the building for the new proposed building site environment.
Site Visit, Inspection & Comprehensive Reporting (From $130*)
Book an onsite visit to your building and proposed site so that I can ascertain your project requirements.
Natural Hazards
This contentious issue is a reality that we now deal with more frequently as a nation. Like it or not, it is in the Building Act 2004. Councils are obligated, and systematically check, building consents with regards to Section 71-72 and under 73 issue a notice. This notice is placed on the property’s Record of Title. In some rare cases, councils will, and have, refused building consent application under Section 71.
What I offer is good practical advice on this matter – it is not all doom and gloom. Think of it as a type of physical insurance or future proofing your investment and money.
If you are looking to buy property, I recommend you get a Land Information Memorandum (LIM). The LIM should identify if there is a potential risk even if it is not noted on the Record of Title. I can help you understand the risks to your potential investment and implications to the existing and potential structures.
On your behalf I can also check with local insurance brokers or national insurers to see what and if there are any possible non-insurable risks.
I can advise you or your designer on mitigation construction techniques where possible to help in a successful building consent application.
Site Visit & Consultation (From $130*)
Book an onsite visit to your home or building site so that I can ascertain your project requirements.
Resource Management, Surveying and Town Planning
The Resource Management Act 1992 (RMA) includes systems and processes for making decisions about things that could affect other people’s enjoyment of their environment or the wider environment. It aims to make sure that natural and physical resources such as soil, air, water, and buildings are managed sustainably.
The RMA needs to be considered early in the development of any project, as it can impact heavily on the project’s shape and feasibility. The Building Consent Guy provides you with a comprehensive range of services and advice to ensure that specific information for successful resource consent application in regard to your council’s city or district plan are adhered to.
Site Visit & Consultation (From $130*)
Simple give me a call and we can talk about were you are at or what council has said so far, so I can ascertain your project requirements and how best we or who can help you.
I am here to help, and act on your behalf. I identify, engage and manage the correct people that need to be involved and complete reports on your building. I am then able to compile the evidence into one complete, comprehensive document with plans. The Certificate of Acceptance reports states what parts of your building meet the level of compliance and what need work.
Depending on what year the work was undertaken, these reports are lodged with council as either a Safe and Sanitary Report or a Certificate of Acceptance (COA) application for review by council. It can be an expensive process due to complexities of reverse engineering a building. However I do up most to limit your exposure to time delays and cost over runs.
I will put it simply, get a building consent if you need one, knowing your legal and your investment is sound.
Site Visit and Consultation (From $130*)
Book an onsite visit to your home or building site so that I can ascertain your project requirements.
Notice to Fix
Have you been issued by council with a “Notice to Fix”? We can help building owners to find a possible compliant solution where possible and liaise with council on your behalf. Please see my notes above. Please note: I can only advise you on a legally compliant solution due to the type of exposure of liabilities and this process generally cost 3 times more than a building consent. It is an expensive process due to complexities of reverse engineering a building. Most non-consent building work I have inspected and fixed over the years is often non-compliant, and this will need to be brought up to standard.
Site Visit and Consultation (From $130*)
Book an onsite visit to your home or building site so that I can ascertain your project requirements.
*All prices exclude GST