Call Craig on 021994750

A pre-purchase or pre-sale building inspection carried out by a professional and accompanied by a thorough and detailed Building Report, will give you and your bank, the confidence you are doing the right thing.
The last thing you need is unforeseen surprises after buying a property. To give you peace of mind, we provide detailed and professional property inspection reports based on the NZS4306:2005 Residential Property Inspection. Moreover, contractors can use our reports to plan, quote and build.
A property may seem in tip-top condition from the outside, but it is difficult to know the foundation or roof's state. Also, the presence of damp odours could indicate a potential issue.
For building reports in the Nelson region, you can turn to us with confidence. We have 30 years experience in the building game, having started from a humble carpentry apprentice to managing major projects. We know what to look for so you can make informed decisions.
What is a Building Inspection Report?
According to a typical sale and purchase agreement in New Zealand, if you want to purchase a property, you can make your offer conditional upon receipt of a building inspection report that ticks all the boxes. Make sure you trust a professional service such as The Building Consent Guy to inspect important issues affecting the structural integrity and water tightness of the property, among other issues.
Our Service to You
Our building inspection report consists of an introduction, a section detailing all our factual findings and the outcome of our inspection and then, vitally, our analysis of the findings. Our detailed reports are easy to understand. Let us provide a comprehensive overview of any property you plan to buy so any issues that need your attention can be flagged before you commit.
Pre-Sale Building Inspection Reports
I provide a pre-sale inspection reporting service for building owners. This report helps you to understand how the condition of your building will be considered before it goes to market. The report will give you an understanding of any existing issues that could hold up the sale of your property. If you need additional assistance with the building work before you put your house on the market. I can help you sort out any issue’s, so you can gain the maximum value of your property.
Pre-Sale Building Inspection Report
Site Visit, Inspection & Report (pricing starts from $630 for a 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom house)
This price includes the main dwelling only. If you would like to include outbuildings on the property, please enquire and the additional items will be quoted accordingly. Full terms and conditions are provided on the following page.
Nelson, Tasman Bay and down and around to Kohatu areas are serviced most week days
Golden Bay, Murchison & Whangamoa areas are serviced regularly every fortnight.
Please enquire to when the next date and time is available.
All prices quoted exclude GST
Your inspection is undertaken in accordance with NZS4306:2005 Residential Property Inspection
Pre-Purchase Building Inspection Report
Doing a pre-purchase building inspection before buying a property will give you a clear understanding of the buildings state, good and bad. Having me undertake an independent pre-purchase building inspection and provide you with a comprehensive building report will help you make your decision with the facts and with confidence.
Pre-Purchase Building Inspection Report
Site Visit, Inspection & Report (pricing starts from $630 for a 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom house)
This price includes the main dwelling only. If you would like to include outbuildings on the property, please enquire and the additional items will be quoted accordingly. Full terms and conditions are provided on the following page.
Nelson, Tasman Bay and down and around to Kohatu areas are serviced most week days
Golden Bay, Murchison & Whangamoa areas are serviced regularly every fortnight.
Please enquire to when the next date and time is available.
All prices quoted exclude GST
Your inspection is undertaken in accordance with NZS4306:2005 Residential Property Inspection
Due Diligence Building File Document Checking & Reporting
In conjunction with the building pre-purchase inspection I can assist you and your real estate agent with your due diligence with a building file document report. I request on your behalf a LIM (Land Information Memorandum) and the property file, then check against what is on the property file and what is on the property from on-site inspections, photos, satellite imagery. Once this check is completed, I provide a written report outlining any findings and any discrepancies found on the property.
Sometimes there are tricky issues found, and if you wish to proceed further, I can provide possible solutions and feasibility costings for the remedial works to the land or buildings. This can help all parties involved in their negotiations and in the successful transaction of the property. This service is open to anyone and any where in New Zealand.
Inspection of Building File & Reporting (Starting at $600*)
This price doesn't include inspection of the property in person. The price includes a review and reporting in relation to matters of interest that are held within the council files, LIM and other documents, and inspection reports. In relation to the main dwelling, outbuilding and other structures that are on the property and is within the boundary's. Please note its not a conditions report on the state of the buildings. The prices does not include the costs related to purchasing any copes of; Record of Tiles, Council Property File, LIM, Property Notices and legal Covenants. If you wish for a meeting in person this can be arranged and a cost quoted for my travel and time. My full Terms and Condition are provided on the following page.
Simply register or give me a call and I will arrange a time with you to check what information you may have already and what is we need to order. Having a trained eye that systematically checks all the documents and puts the puzzle together, gives you the confidence that the due diligence has been done thoroughly and your not going to left with a liability.
The Due Diligence Property Pack
Pre-Purchase Building Inspection & Building File Document Checking & Reporting
This popular pack combines the two important checks and by registering these activities at same time, I am able to reduce the admiration costs and pass the saving on to you. The conditions are the same as above but the I can only offer this in Nelson/Tasman regions.
Site Visit, Inspection & Report (Starting at $ 1100.00)
This price includes the main dwelling only. If you would like to include outbuildings on the property, please enquire and the additional items will be quoted accordingly. Full terms and conditions are provided on the following page.
Nelson, Tasman Bay and down and around to Kohatu areas are serviced most week days.
Golden Bay, Murchison & Whangamoa areas are serviced regularly every fortnight.
Please enquire to when the next date and time is available.
All prices quoted exclude GST
The review and reporting in relation to maters of interest that are held within the council files, LIM and other documents, and the above inspection reports. In relation to the main dwelling, outbuilding and other structures that are on the property and is within the boundaries. Please note its not a conditions report on the state of the building. The prices does not include the costs related to purchasing any copes of; Record of Tiles, Council Property File, LIM, Property Notices and legal Covenants. My full Terms and Condition are provided on the following page.
Your inspection is undertaken in accordance with NZS 4306:2005 Residential Property Inspection.
Simply register or give me a call and I will arrange a time with you to check what information you may have already and what is we need to order. Having a trained eye that systematically checks all the documents and puts the puzzle together, gives you the confidence that the due diligence has been done thoroughly and your not going to left with a liability's.
*All prices exclude GST